Early Intervention Program

Workplace mental health is something that is cultivated by an organisation adequately managing psychosocial hazards and cultivating psychological safety. 

This requires an organisation to have a good safety climate and managers who are able to recognise the early warning signs of compromised mental health in their employees and respond to this early. A key component of early intervention is understanding any aspects of the employees work that may be impacting their health and safety. For example, if they have job demands that exceed their ability to manage or are unsure of what is expected of them to perform their role successfully.

Our 6 week coaching support package equips managers, people/safety partners and human resource specialists to the develop the skills required to provide a psychologically safe workplace.

workplace psychological safety
Workplace Support Plans
  • Developing support plans
  • Designing reasonable adjustments
  • Prevent injury claims 
  • Explore solutions 
Employee Mental Health
  •  Recognise signs 
  • Intervene early
  • Understand work-related factors 
  • Control risks 
Early Intervention 
  • Manager Coaching 
  • Psychosocial Risk Management
  • Stay at Work Plans 
  • Supporting  Employees 

*This service is not an individual Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Our Psychologists can support you to intervene early and prevent mental injury